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Glossaries: K9 SAR Glossary

POA  (Probability of Area): The chance that a missing person (or clue) is in the search Area.


Author: ERI: Emergency Response International

VSRDA Glossary

  • Air Scent
    Air Scent (Dog): A dog that searches for the source of human odor. They are typically "Nose Up" when they work, and are usually non-scent-discriminating. Air scent dogs do NOT require a scent artic
  • Agility
    Agility: A character trait which describes the natural (running) speed, surefootedness, and coordination, and the ability of the dog to correct and recover 
  • Agility
    Agility: A character trait which describes the natural (running) speed, surefootedness, and coordination, and the ability of the dog to correct and recover 

Teaching Direction & Control

Article by Shirley Hammond on teaching Direction & Control to K9s, using platforms and markers. 

Effective Use of Dogs in Search Management

Article by David Godfrey-Smith provides guidelines for law enforcement and search managers, in regards to how best to utilize SAR K9s. 

How Scent and Airflow Works

Article by Jennifer Pennington with custom illustrations on how scent and airflow affects search dogs.